Galleries and Workshops
The Hawkesbury is known for nurturing and inspiring artists and artisans and there are plenty of opportunities to visit galleries and meet them. A must see is the Hawkesbury Regional Gallery. Located in Windsor, it offers a changing program of exhibitions with work from local, regional, national and international artists.
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Ferry Artists Gallery
Shops 1 & 2, 5557 Old Northern Road, Wisemans Ferry NSW 2775
02 4566 4385
The Ferry Artists Gallery is a community run art gallery providing a venue for talented local artists to exhibit and sell their work. Work includes painting, ceramics, jewellery, printmaking, sculpture, textile art, photography, and glassware.
Hawkesbury Artists & Artisans Trail
Various Studios through the Hawkesbury – refer to website
The Hawkesbury has long been known as the 'home of the artists'. Hawkesbury Artists & Artisans Trail was created to showcase local artists and artisans. You are invited to visit their galleries and studios while watching the artists work.
Hawkesbury Regional Gallery
1st Floor, Deerubbin Centre, 300 George Street, Windsor NSW 2756
02 4560 4441
A public art gallery which offers a changing program of exhibitions upholding the Hawkesbury's artistic and creative heritage while showcasing the new and original. The gallery also has events and programs for people of all ages who want to learn about art.
Hawkesbury Remakery
160 George Street, Windsor NSW 2756
02 4587 8958
Hawkesbury Remakery is a Makerspace that has a gallery, shop and workspace. It is a hub for makers in the Hawkesbury and you can find arts, crafts, curios and collectables as well as the sustainable reuse program .
Little River Art Studios & Gallery
108 Grose Wold Road, Grose Wold NSW 2753
0414 761 308
The gallery features artworks from 8 talented artists along with the equine art of Jeanette Starr. Weekend art workshops with some of Australia's best tutors.
Makers Painters and Mayhem
196 George Street, South Windsor NSW 2756
0450 485 870
Tap into your creativity, no matter your age or experience. Offering a range of workshops with something fun for everyone to enjoy.
Marcia Rea Fine Art Gallery
Marcia Rea Fine Art Gallery, 522 Terrace Road, Freemans Reach NSW 2756
02 4579 6338
Fine Art Studio and Gallery.
1352 Kurmond Road, Kurmond NSW 2758
0416 049 334
Eclectic studio, showroom and workshop
Piggery Lane Studio & Gallery
D9 Campus Drive, Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Campus (off Blacktown Road), Richmond NSW 2753
02 4572 5580
A heritage 'piggery', set in the grounds of Western Sydney University, Richmond, with studios and a gallery, showcasing artworks from award winning local artists.
Purple Noon Gallery
606 Terrace Road, Freemans Reach NSW 2756
02 4579 6579
Purple Noon Gallery represents emerging, contemporary and established artists from the Hawkesbury region and from around Australia. An extensive exhibition program throughout each year features both solo and mixed shows incorporating numerous genres and mediums.
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